Verity is a composer, director, performer and choir leader. Her work focuses on the human voice - gathering people together to sing, and exploring different ways that people can experience music.

“Verity Standen has a history of producing affecting, sensual audio shows… A hum can become more than hum-drum, a simple tuning fork can send your mind spiralling, and the movement of a singer can seem revolutionary.”

- The Fix Magazine

“Sound becomes feeling: the feeling of a note moving through the chest to the throat, the feeling of volume rising like wings beating against your skin. The feeling of a melody feather-soft, embers-warm, the feeling of a rhythm like the pounding of your lover's heart. It's like the sound itself is holding you, suspended inside itself; it becomes a part of you, and so you become part of it.”

— Maddy Costa on Verity’s work in Performance in an Age of Precarity